Saturday, December 31, 2011


December 31, 2011

I know it is cliche.  Here it is New Year's Eve and I am starting a weight loss journey.  I know what you're thinking and trust me, it has ran through my head on more than one occasion today. 

'Oh sure a New Year's Resolution that will result in failure!'

'Why did you pick today to start this journey?'

I must say I did not start this journey because it is a new year.  And I really didn't intend to start today...more on that later!

A little back story for you.  All my life all I remember is being overweight or on a diet. Even in fifth grade, my aunt started Weight Watchers so I did it right along with her.  I lost A LOT of weight and started to look rather thin, so I stopped.  All through junior high and high school I was bigger than some of the girls but no means 'overweight'.  At this time I also dealt with the constant push of my parents to exercise and monitored what I ate. When I moved out on my own I think I rebelled a little.  I didn't have someone there constantly monitoring what, how much, etc.  I enjoyed myself.  And obviously a little too much!

I met my wonderful husband sixteen years ago.  We have been married now for 13 years now and he has NEVER once had an issue with my weight.  I can honestly say he loves me unconditionally and for God to put him in my world has been a true blessing!

When my first child was born almost 13 years ago, I gained a reasonable amount of weight (no more than an average pregnancy gain).  However, the weight never seemed to go away.  Then when I got pregnant with my second child almost 9 years ago, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and ended up losing 30lbs during the pregnancy!!!  At that point I thought it was a great step in continuing with the weight loss and to continue with the diabetic diet they put me on.  Well, as most moms can attest to, with two kids, going to school part time, working full time, and running a household, the diet went out the window....the drive thru window!

And now here we are....the last 2 years I have gained almost another 20lbs.  I can sit here and make up excuses....I changed jobs, I have to eat out more because of my job, our schedules are busier which means eating out more, etc, etc, etc.  Here is where I noticed a big difference though....2011 brought a barrage of illness for me.  Before this year, I may have went to the doctor twice in a year for a sinus infection or flu.  But not this year....I have had 2 sinus infections, 2 UTI's, Vitamin D deficiency, general run down feeling, and now my A1C levels are at the point that I am officially classified as 'pre-diabetic'.  The doctor stated that my A1C levels are 5.9 and they consider anything over 6 as Type 2 Diabetic.

This is where my attitude has changed. I have to feel better.  I have to get energy back.  I have to build up my sick days at work! I have to lose weight!!!!

So today (after my husband made biscuits and gravy for breakfast), I decided to check out the Weight Watchers program and what it entailed again.  I have had much success with it in previous attempts.  I was also thinking about the times that I have attempted a diet on my own it usually ends up in failure because there is not accountability to anyone.  I figure with this plan:

1.  There is money that is coming out of my bank account monthly.  By golly, I don't like to waste money.
2.  I have to physically go and weigh in.  In front of someone.  That will know if I've had a good weight loss week.

What I hadn't planned was to sign up and start the program TODAY!  Yikes...I think I needed sometime to plan for this.  But here it is.

I'm not gonna lie...I don't think I did that well today but I have tried. And thankfully, it was over 60 degrees December!  So, the family managed to go up to the local elementary school.  While my son played some basketball and my daughter was getting bike lessons from her daddy, I was able to walk around the extremely large block around the school.  I haven't exercised in a LONG time so I felt this was a positive step to start.  I knew that if I tried to walk further than that I would have failed and I would then fail on the food end too.

So at the end of Day 1, I realize:
*I am not perfect.
*I will have weak moments.
*I have to make small attainable goals.
*I will succeed.

Day 1 Weight: 261 lbs.