Sunday, January 6, 2013

Another hill on this roller coaster of a diet...

And the roller coaster car keeps climbing the damn hill....

Last week I lost .6lbs and then this week I gained .8lbs.

What the $@#$!!

So here is the plan....

*Track EVERYTHING! I usually track most everything anyway but I have vowed to write down every gosh darn thing that goes into my mouth!!!

*Exercise!  I usually try to walk a couple times a week but this week I will walk EVERY DAY!!!

*Drink more water!  This I don't do.  I can't stand water therefore, I don't drink it.  So this week I will drink at least 1-2 glasses of water a day.

Now...if I get on that darn scale next Saturday and still gain weight...

I just might have to eat a chocolate Zinger!  (Just kidding)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Housekeeping is exercise...right?

The hubby has been on vacation since December 21st.  I joined him on vacation for the most part only working a couple of days during that time.  The kids have also been home during this time.

Which means...

The house looks like a tornado has moved through it.

So today, the hubs went back to work.  I decided, when he left at 5:00 am, that I would clean/organize the basement today.

Oh what a job awaited me!

Our basement is completely finished with a family room, bathroom, bedroom, laundry room, and storage room.  The bedroom gets all the clothing not worn during a particular season.  The laundry room...well is a laundry room.  The storage room is where all the Christmas items are stored, along with hunting equipment/clothing. is a mess.  The family room is where the kids entertain and roam so its pretty much a given it looks like crap. This room also holds an 'office' which is where all the papers get thrown that you're not sure what the heck to do with them. Then there's the bathroom that never gets used and when it does its by the get the picture.

Needless to say, the basement is somewhere I tend to avoid and the area that the hubby has asked several times to organize.  He would by all means clean the rest of the basement but going through the paperwork he wouldn't know what to do with any of it.

So I decided to surprise him by the time he got home (plus there was a guy coming to fix our broken washer and didn't want him to see the mess).

I started at 10:00 am and didn't come back upstairs till 3:00 pm. 

The finished results are...the room is clean and since I was so busy cleaning I didn't have time to eat crap. 

So since I didn't snack on crap and was constantly bending, standing, vacuuming, and dusting...that's exercise right?

I think so....I even dusted the treadmill while I was down there!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Where in the world have I been?

Man!  Has it really been over 9 months since I've posted on here?

Guess so!

Well, as of yesterday, it has been a year since I've started my weight loss journey with Weight Watchers.

So here goes my total....

Down 55.6lbs since December 31, 2011.

Originally, I was kinda of bummed about this total.  I somehow I thought that it should be higher than that.  I guess a lot of my problem was that the last couple of months I have been on the weight loss roller coaster.  I'd lose a couple of pounds, then gain them back.  Lose 1/2 lb then gain 2lbs.  Lose 3lbs then gain 1lb.  You get the idea.  I have been hoovering around that 55lb weight loss since October.  So needless to say, I was getting a little irritated.

Then I posted my loss on Facebook and had an amazing acquaintence say this, "Yeah, look at it this way, you've lost 55lbs in 52 weeks."  That hit me...a pound or over a week.  Then I remembered the Weight Watchers goal of 1/2 to 2lbs a week is a healthy weight loss.  So I guess I'm going about the right way.

I wanted to be able to post some differences in me. 

This was me in March 2011, at my heaviest...     And me last week...

This is a picture of me (around August/September 2012) wearing a pair of jeans that were a favorite of mine. 

So now the plan is to keep on truckin'...

I still have about 50 more pounds I'd like gone.  So now that I have stuck to last year's New Year's Resolution.  This year's resolution is to focus more on the blog.

Have a great year!